Exploration of the Role Self-Management in Improving Chemotherapy Compliance: Theory of Planned Behavior
Introduction: Chemotherapy compliance in breast cancer patients is crucial, as side effects often lead to non-compliance, worsening the disease. Current self-management lacks a behavioral approach, highlighting the need for a self-management model based on the theory of planned behavior to enhance compliance. This study aimed to explore chemotherapy compliance in breast cancer patients by examining individual factors, specific conditions, and self-management strategies grounded in the theory of planned behavior.
Methods: A cross-sectional design and purposive sampling were conducted on 208 respondents, consisting of chemotherapy patients with breast cancer. The variables of this study were the individual factors, specific conditions, theory of planned behavior (TPB)-based self-management, and chemotherapy adherence. The data was collected using questionnaires in August–September 2024 at Islamic Hospital in Central Java, Indonesia, and processed using Smart Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) analysis.
Results: Individual and condition-specific factors explained 96.3% of the variation in TPB-based self-management, and TPB-based self-management explained 91.4% of chemotherapy adherence. This model showed strong predictive relevance. There was a significant relationship between self-management and adherence (p < 0.001; β = 0.465). The interactions between individual and self-management factors and condition-specific and self-management factors also contributed significantly to adherence (p = 0.019; β = 0.298 and p < 0.001; β = 0.717). These findings confirm the important role of self-management as a mediator in chemotherapy adherence.
Conclusion: TBP-based self-management is a major factor improving chemotherapy compliance. It is a mediator of individual factors and specific conditions that play an important role in improving chemotherapy compliance.
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