Under-Reported Tuberculosis Among Children: Subsample Analysis Indonesia Tuberculosis Inventory Study 2016-2017

Kristina Kristina (1) , Oster Suriani (2) , Dina Bisara Lolong (3) , Ferry Ahmadi (4) , Asep Hermawan (5) , Siti Isfandari (6)
(1) National Research and Innovation Agency , Indonesia
(2) Health Development Policy Agency, Ministry of Health , Indonesia
(3) National Research and Innovation Agency , Indonesia
(4) National Research and Innovation Agency , Indonesia
(5) National Research and Innovation Agency , Indonesia
(6) National Research and Innovation Agency , Indonesia


Background: Indonesia has the third highest TB burden after India and China. TB disease in children reached an estimated one million worldwide, with 233,000 deaths due to TB in 2017. The study aimed to provide under-reporting TB in children <15 years.
Methods: Inventory TB study data were used for analysis. This perspective district-based study in Indonesia involves all health facilities in selected areas that have diagnosed and treated TB in children in the last three months. All cases of TB in children who were clinically diagnosed and bacteriologically confirmed and categorized as new cases or re-treated were included for analysis.
Results: Total cases of TB 23,320 in all group ages obtained by health care facilities from 23 districts/cities. Most TB cases occurred in the age group ≥ 15 (82%), while the remaining 18% were aged <15 years. The under-reporting rate of TB <15 years was 54%. Under-reporting of TB in the age group< 15 years mostly in non-primary health care facilities (71%), for example, hospitals, clinics, general
practitioners, and pediatricians, whereas the rest is from primary health care (19%).
Conclusion: Under-reporting of TB in children is still above 50%, especially in the 0-4 year age group. Under-reporting of TB in children mainly occurs in non-primary healthcare facilities. For this reason, the role of the regions, especially the health office, needs to supervise and guide hospitals, clinics, and private practitioners regarding the recording and to report TB in children to an integrated tuberculosis information system.

Latar belakang: Indonesia memiliki beban TB tertinggi ketiga setelah India dan China. Penyakit TB pada anak diperkirakan mencapai satu juta di seluruh dunia, dengan 233.000 kematian akibat TB pada tahun 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaporan TB pada anak <15 tahun.
Metode: Data studi inventarisasi TB di Indonesia digunakan untuk analisis. Studi ini dilakukan di 23 kabupaten di Indonesia pada tahun 2016-2017. Studi perspektif berbasis kabupaten di Indonesia melibatkan seluruh fasilitas kesehatan di daerah terpilih yang telah mendiagnosis dan mengobati TB pada anak dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Semua kasus TB pada anak yang didiagnosis secara klinis dan
dikonfirmasi secara bakteriologis dan dikategorikan sebagai kasus baru atau diobati ulang dimasukkan untuk analisis.
Hasil: Total kasus TB 23.320 pada semua kelompok umur yang diperoleh dari fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan pada 23 kabupaten/kota. Kasus TB terbanyak pada kelompok umur ≥ 15 (82%), sedangkan sisanya pada kelompok umur < 15 tahun (18%). Under reporting TB anak kurang dari 15 tahun adalah 54%. Under-reporting TB anak terbanyak pada fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan non primer (71%) seperti rumah sakit, klinik, praktek dokter mandiri, sedangkan sisanya dari pelayanan kesehatan primer (19%).
Kesimpulan: Under-reporting TB pada anak masih di atas 50% terutama pada kelompok umur 0-4 tahun. Kurangnya pelaporan TB pada anak terutama terjadi di fasilitas kesehatan non primer. Untuk itu peran daerah khususnya dinas kesehatan perlu melakukan  pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap rumah sakit, klinik, dan praktek dokter mandiri terkait pencatatan dan pelaporan TB anak ke dalam sistem informasi TB yang terintegrasi.

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Kristina Kristina
kristina80@ymail.com (Primary Contact)
Oster Suriani
Dina Bisara Lolong
Ferry Ahmadi
Asep Hermawan
Siti Isfandari
Kristina, K., Suriani, O., Lolong, D. B., Ahmadi, F., Hermawan, A., & Isfandari, S. (2023). Under-Reported Tuberculosis Among Children: Subsample Analysis Indonesia Tuberculosis Inventory Study 2016-2017. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22435/hsji.v14i1.6579

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