Perceptions of pregnant woman on monetary and time sacrifice for satisfaction based on health workers roles in antenatal services to reduce the risk of maternal death at Gowa district

Serawati Dewi (1) , Yuni Romalita (2) , Yusriani Yusriani (3) , Muhammad Khidri Alwi (4)
(1) , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia
(4) , Indonesia


Latar belakang: Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Upaya percepatan penurunan AKI dapat dilakukan dengan menjamin agar setiap ibu mampu mengakses pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil yang berkualitas. Apabila antenatal care dimanfaatkan dengan baik maka kesehatan ibu dapat terpantau secara berkesinambungan dari masa kehamilan sampai dengan persalinan.

Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 0-11 bulan di Kabupaten Gowa sebanyak 122 orang. Sampel sebanyak 93 orang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling, besar sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin

Hasil: Persepsi ibu hamil terhadap peran petugas kesehatan dalam pelayanan antenatal berdasarkan pengorbanan moneter tidak menunjukkan korelasi. Ibu hamil yang memiliki persepsi pengorbanan moneter kecil dan mengatakan peran petugas kesehatan kurang dalam pelayanan antenatal sebanyak 90,0%. Ibu hamil yang memiliki persepsi pengorbanan moneter sangat kecil dan mengatakan peran petugas kesehatan kurang sebanyak 83.1%. Sedangkan persepsi pengorbanan waktu menunjukkan adanya korelasi dengan peran petugas kesehatan dalam pelayanan antenatal. Ibu hamil yang memiliki persepsi pengorbanan waktu besar dan mengatakan peran petugas kesehatan kurang dalam pelayanan antenatal sebanyak 100%. Ibu hamil yang memiliki persepsi pengorbanan moneter besar dan mengatakan peran petugas kesehatan kurang dalam pelayanan antenatal sebanyak 90.2%.

Kesimpulan: Persepsi ibu hamil terhadap peran petugas kesehatan dalam pelayanan antenatal berdasarkan pengorbanan moneter tidak menunjukkan korelasi sedangkan berdasarkan pengorbanan waktu menunjukkan ada korelasi. Perlu meningkatkan kecepatan proses pelayanan pemeriksaan kehamilan pada ibu hamil oleh tenaga kesehatan.

Kata kunci: Pelayanan antenatal, Ibu Hamil, Pengorbanan, Waktu, Moneter



Background: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator of health development in Indonesia. Efforts to accelerate the reduction of MMR can be done by ensuring that every mother is able to access quality maternal health services. If antenatal care is utilized properly, maternal health can be monitored continuously from pregnancy to delivery.

Methods: The study design was quantitative with a cross sectional study design. The population in this study were all pregnant women who had a gestational age of 7 to 9 months in Gowa Regency as many as 122 people. A sample of 93 people was taken using accidental sampling technique, the sample size was determined using the Slovin formula.

Results: Perception of pregnant women towards the role of health workers in antenatal care based on monetary sacrifice did not show a correlation. Pregnant women who have a perception of small monetary sacrifice and say the role of health workers is lacking in antenatal care are 90.0%. Pregnant women who have a perception of monetary sacrifice are very small and say the role of health workers is less as much as 83.1%. While the perception of sacrifice of time shows a correlation with the role of health workers in antenatal care. Pregnant women who have the perception of sacrifice of big time and say the role of health workers lacking in antenatal care as much as 100%. Pregnant women who have a perception of great monetary sacrifice and say the role of health workers is lacking in antenatal care are 90.2%.

Conclusion: Perception of pregnant women towards the role of health workers in antenatal care based on monetary sacrifice does not show correlation while based on time sacrifice shows there is correlation. Need to increase the speed of the process of pregnancy examination services for pregnant women by health workers.

Keywords: Antenatal care, Pregnant Women, Sacrifice, Time, Monetary

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Serawati Dewi (Primary Contact)
Yuni Romalita
Yusriani Yusriani
Muhammad Khidri Alwi
Dewi, S., Romalita, Y., Yusriani, Y., & Alwi, M. K. (2019). Perceptions of pregnant woman on monetary and time sacrifice for satisfaction based on health workers roles in antenatal services to reduce the risk of maternal death at Gowa district. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 10(2), 111–118.
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