Molecular Detection Mutation of rpoB Gene Mycobacterium leprae in Relapse and Default of Leprosy Patient in Jayapura City, Papua
Latar belakang: Lepra masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Papua terutama di Kota Jayapura.
Banyaknya kasus relaps dan default juga menjadi tantangan dalam eliminasi lepra di Jayapura. Kasus
relaps dan riwayat default pada beberapa penelitian berkaitan dengan resistensi terhadap multi drug
treatment (MDT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi keberadaan mutasi gen rpoB M. leprae pada
pasien relaps, default dan pasein yang kurang peka terhadap terapi MDT di Kota Jayapura.
Metode: Sampel diperoleh dari pasien yang terdiagnosis lepra dengan kriteria pasien relaps, default dan
pasien yang terus bergejala setelah terapi MDT sebanyak 34 sampel. Sampel diambil dalam bentuk insisi
kulit (skin silt) daun telinga. DNA diekstraksi dengan menggunakan kit Qiagen. Gen rpoB diamplifikasi
melalui teknik PCR dan analisis nukleotida dilakukan melalui sekuensing. Analisis mutasi dilakukan
melalui BLAST dengan basis data GenBank.
Hasil: Sebanyak 34 sampel yang diperiksa, 9 diantaranya positif BTA sedangkan 25 yang lainnya negatif
BTA. Pada hasil PCR, sampel yang berhasil teramplifikasi sebanyak 31 sampel, dan 3 sampel tidak
teramplifikasi. Hasil BLAST menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan adanya mutasi pada gen rpoB yang
dapat menyebabkan resistensi terhadap rifampisin.
Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah gen rpoB Mycobacterium leprae asal Jayapura
tidak mengandung mutasi yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya resistensi terhadap rifampisin. Dengan
demikian rifampisin masih sensitif untuk pengobatan lepra di Kota Jayapura.
Kata kunci: Lepra, gen rpoB, rifampisin, Mycobacterium leprae.
Background: Leprosy remains a prominent health problem in Papua especially in Jayapura City. Numerous
cases of relapse and default are also challenges in leprosy elimination in Jayapura. Studies in Relapse
cases and history of defaults revealed some resistance related to multi-drug treatment (MDT). The purpose
of this study was to detect the presence of mutation in rpoB M. leprae gene in patient relapse, default and
patients who are less sensitive to MDT therapy in Jayapura City.
Method: Samples were obtained from patients diagnosed with leprosy with criteria of relapse, default
and symptomatic patients after receiving MDT therapy. A total of 34 samples were taken in the form of
skin incision (skin silt) of the earlobe. DNA was extracted using Qiagen kit. rpoB gene from extracted
DNA was amplified through PCR method followed by nucleotide sequences. Analysis of mutation was
elaborated using BLAST according to GenBank database.
Result: 34 samples were examined, and 9 were positive for Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN)staining, while the 25 were
negative. In the PCR results, the samples that successfully amplified were 31 samples, and 3 samples were
not amplified. The results of BLAST indicated that no mutations in the rpoB gene found in which able to
initiate resistance to rifampicin.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is the rpoB Mycobacterium leprae gene from Jayapura did not
contain any mutations that could trigger resistance to rifampicin. Thus rifampicin is still sensitive for
leprosy treatment in Jayapura City.
Keywords: Leprosy, rpoB gene, rifampicin, Mycobacterium leprae
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