Residential area, hygiene behaviour, and pre-cervical lesions of women aged 25-64 years in Indonesia

Puti Sari Hidayangsih (1)
(1) Pusat UKM Badan Litbangkes , Indonesia


Latar belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit kanker dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara wilayah tempat tinggal, perilaku kebersihan diri, dan lesi prakanker serviks pada wanita pernah kawin umur 25-64 tahun di Indonesia.

Metode: Studi ini menggunakan data Riset Penyakit Tidak Menular tahun 2016 di daerah perkotaan di 34 provinsi Indonesia. Populasi dan sampel adalah wanita pernah kawin berusia 25-64 tahun yang diwawancara dan dilakukan pengambilan apus serviks menggunakan metode Inspeksi Visual Asetat (IVA) untuk mengetahui indikasi prevalensi lesi prakanker serviks. Analisis hubungan menggunakan regresi logistik dengan metode enter, dengan total sampel yang dianalisis 37.456 responden.

Hasil: Hasil analisis menemukan proporsi 7% wanita dengan hasil tes IVA positif. Wanita yang tinggal di sekitar lokasi industri berisiko 1,2 kali (Adjusted OR= 1,2; 95% CI= 1,1-1,4) positif terhadap hasil periksa IVA daripada mereka yang tidak tinggal di wilayah tersebut. Sedangkan perilaku hygiene perorangan seperti membersihkan alat kelamin setelah selesai berhubungan seksual tidak bermakna secara signifikan terhadap hasil IVA positif.

Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara tinggal di lingkungan industri dengan hasil IVA positif pada wanita usia 25 64 tahun menunjukkan pentingnya penapisan dini secara teratur pada wanita terutama yang tinggal daerah industri. 

Kata kunci: Lesi prakanker, serviks, IVA, lingkungan, industri



Background: Cervical cancer is a cancer with the highest prevalence in Indonesia. This study aims to identify the relationship between residential area, personal hygiene behavior, and precancerous cervical lesions in ever married women aged 25-64 years in Indonesia.

Methods: This study uses data on the 2016 Non-Communicable Disease Research in urban areas in 34 Indonesian provinces. The population and sample were ever-married women aged 25-64 years who were interviewed and also performed cervical smear extraction using the Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) method to determine indications of the prevalence of cervical precancerous lesions. Relationship analysis using logistic regression with enter method, with a total sample analyzed by 37,456 respondents.

Results: The results of the analysis found a proportion of 7% of women with positive VIA test results. Women living in the vicinity of industrial sites were 1.2 times at risk (Adjusted OR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.1-1.4) positive for VIA results than those who did not live in the area. While individual hygiene behaviors such as cleaning genitals after completing sexual intercourse did not significantly affect the positive VIA results.

Conclusion: There is a relationship between living in an industrial environment with positive VIA results in women aged 25-64 years showing the importance of regular early screening among women, especially those who live in industrial areas. 

Keywords: Precancerous lesions, cervix, VIA, environment, industry

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Puti Sari Hidayangsih (Primary Contact)
Hidayangsih, P. S. (2019). Residential area, hygiene behaviour, and pre-cervical lesions of women aged 25-64 years in Indonesia. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 10(1), 51–57.
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